Protect Your Heart

Although you lack the power to change some risk factors — such as family history, sex or age — there are some key heart disease prevention steps you can take to reduce your risk. You can avoid heart problems in the future by adopting a healthy lifestyle today.


Drink coffee
Coffee has long been linked to a reduced risk for diabetes, a disease marked by high levels of blood sugar that threaten the heart. And now experts understand more about coffee’s potential protective effects. A new study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that women who regularly drank decaf or regular coffee at lunchtime had a reduced risk of type-2 diabetes compared to those who didn’t drink java. What does coffee have to do with diabetes? The study’s researchers believe that the beverage’s nutrients may help slow digestion and help support healthy blood sugar levels. Other new and emerging research suggests that coffee consumption helps support the cardiovascular system by fending off chronic inflammation and promoting the production of HDL “good” cholesterol. You can drink to that!


Sleep more
Recent research from Wake Forest University linked sleep deprivation to belly fat, which plays a big role in inflammation. So go ahead and ditch the guilt: Hit the snooze button and aim to clock at least six to eight hours each night.


Nibble on dark chocolate Several studies have shown that chocolate may benefit more than just your taste buds. Most recently, a German study that tracked subjects for 10 years found that chocolate eaters had healthier hearts. More specifically, compared to those who ate less chocolate, people who ate about 1 ounce of chocolate per day had lower blood pressure and a lower risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Flavanoids, the nutrients found in cocoa, support healthy blood vessels and overall heart health. To get the most benefit with the fewest calories enjoy about an ounce of dark chocolate per day.


Seek stress relief
Taking a time out for self-care such as a getting a pedicure, doing some journaling or taking a walk in nature can help you stay clear-headed, supports healthy blood pressure levels and reduces your reaction to stress, all of which helps your heart.


Eat popcorn
A recent study from the University of Scranton found that many whole-grain foods like popcorn are as rich as fruits and vegetables in polyphenols, a type of heart-healthy antioxidant.


Spend time with friends Carve out a couple of hours to get together with friends regularly and your body and mind will thank you. People with many social ties tend to have lower blood pressure, they’re less likely to smoke and they’re more likely to be physically active.



